AJT collaborated with the Sri Aurobindo Society in November 2021 by bringing out an issue of the All India Magazine (for subscribers) and booklets (for sale) on the subject of Goodwill in the light of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
Researched and presented by Shonar and Archana, here is the editorial and motivation behind the work:
“As we push upwards or forwards with all our might on this very challenging path of Integral Yoga, dozens of demands are made at every step – sincerity, humility, equanimity, aspiration, rejection, surrender…. One such notion is that of Goodwill. But what does it really mean, where does it find its place in our sadhana and life? It is a word we may have got accustomed to using lightly, offered almost flippantly, but in truth, it is potent in meaning and transformative in action. It is the bedrock on which rests our attitude towards the world and all those who come to share a moment of our lives.
Without it, we would be enmeshed in the web of human interactions and its resultant egos, disharmony, imbalance.
With it, we have an opportunity not only to come out of a predictable vortex but also with a heart radiant and gentle, more benevolent and harmonious, more charitable and inclusive, more encouraging and grateful, to oneself as much as to the one it is offered to – a concatenation of attitudes helping our journey towards the Divine.
With goodwill we share the words of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother who have given us umpteen contexts through which one can understand both the application and the implication of this deceptively simple word.”
‘With Goodwill…’ is available at Sabda